Europairs  GmbH

Aviation Consulting Experience since 2002

Here you can find - irregular - publications (see below). 


Flying - a dream/nightmare?

This book is aimed at anyone who wants to understand the conditions under which commercial aircraft flight crew work. Aviation, personnel and flight operations managers, (future) cockpit and cabin crews, their stakeholders and anyone who has to or wants to deal with these conditions.   

* available in German only

ISBN: 978-3-86386-918-2
Articlenumber: 14484

Book "Fliegen - ein (Alb-) Traum" (German)
Bergmann-Buchtext Fliegen - ein Alb-Traum-final-2. Version.pdf (3.73MB)
Book "Fliegen - ein (Alb-) Traum" (German)
Bergmann-Buchtext Fliegen - ein Alb-Traum-final-2. Version.pdf (3.73MB)

Further publications see German Website "Veröffentlichungen"

There I irregularly upload (references to) articles and publications